What is it about November?


My period finally arrived today. I was freaking out all week because Glow said my period was due on the 19th, and I wasn’t feeling any usual signs like normal.

I knew it was a slim chance that I could be pregnant because my husband and I didn’t have sex very much this month, and when we did it was protected.

So I turned to google for insight on what else could be going on (terrible choice), which made me stress even more.

Things like PCOS, different cancers, premenopause, etc. started popping up, and I was going back in my calendar to find the avg. amount of days in my cycle (now I know, anywhere between 28 and 30).

As I was looking back, I found something interesting that I hadn’t remembered. Last year in November, this EXACT thing happened to me.

And I’m wondering why? Is it the seasons?

Is it the stress (more than 10 people I know have birthdays in Oct. including my daughter so there’s her parties and other get togethers)? Just thought it was interesting... this only happens to me in November.