Don’t Lose Hope ❤️

Brittany • 26•🌈 Lily Mae 6-9-20•👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

*long post* I had previously made a post on Thanksgiving about how the day was just sad for me.. pregnancy all around me, couldn’t help but cry. I kept getting negative after negative and just knew this was not my month (when I really thought it was) and started planning new things to try next month. Well the Friday after Thanksgiving I felt this crampy almost like a pinch feeling way low in my stomach, it was a feeling I had never felt before. I had not felt very good all day that day but didn’t think much about all of it until Sunday. Sunday I was supposed to start my period and I had one first Response test left and thought what the hell I’ll just take it and I just knew it was going to be negative. I sit there like a crazy person watching the pee run across the test and after about a minute I thought I saw a very faint line and I tried to just convince myself it was a crazy bad indent or the test was faulty. But about two minutes I can tell the line has a very faint pink color to it! I run out of the bathroom with the test and I am literally shaking when I hand

my husband the test to ask if he can see it... and he did! I posted it on here and sure enough all you kind ladies let me know this is really it! I have been testing in the morning to make sure it’s getting darker and is but slowly cause I’m impatient lol. I decided to go ahead and call and get a doctors appointment today. I go in a week from today on December 4th. Was informed it will be a 2-3 hour long appointment and would get a sonogram 🥰

Hoping and praying this is a sticky little nugget!

Seriously ladies if your testing early DO not get discouraged! It can still come up positive when you least expect it! Baby dust to you all! ❤️