

There’s this guy in my life and we built a friendship that has turned into something more.

We both want to marry each other and build a family.

Here’s the dilemma, he lives in a different city and wants me to move in with him, he says give him about 2 years and he’ll put a ring on it. And he has his reasons which make sense to me so I’m not hating on it.

I told him we need to compromise, I want to be married before I move in with someone again. But then I compromised and said we can at least be engaged then I’ll move.

I am fully aware marriage is just a piece of paper and whatever is going to happen will happen. But marriage is something I want and am set on.

He says he wants me to meet his whole family first before we get engaged, which I agree to. But my compromise is firm. I will NOT move unless we are at least engaged, and I explained my reasoning to him and he claims he understood.

But now he’s saying I’m not actually compromising.

He said the engagement should be a secret and I said no, I want it to be an actual engagement.

Who do y’all think is not actually compromising ? I don’t believe there is a right or wrong here because it’s a compromise.

If you need/want more info then just lemme know lol