
It's story time!

So a little over a week ago, a woman at my church told me "I feel like you're pregnant". Well me being me was skeptical because I've been trying since February with no luck. I just told her "yeah that'd be nice but I won't know for a about a week, so we'll see" and in the back of my mind I'm thinking "pfft I doubt it and why would you tell me this?"

But let's be honest, if someone tells you they think you're pregnant and you've been trying, that thought will stick in your mind like a sore thumb. I kept telling myself not to get my hopes up. You ladies all know how its soooooo disappointing when your period comes and your hopes were super high that THIS IS YOUR MONTH. Not to mention I had ZERO symptoms, outside of the typical "oh I could be PMSing or I'm pregnant" symptoms which tell you nothing (felt a little bloated the past two days, was getting irritable, both typical signs of aunt flo). My period was supposed to come today. I decided what the heck, I'll go to the dollar store and grab a test, why not, right? It's a freaking dollar, and I wanted to stock up on some tests anyways. And it was around noon, I'd already gone and done my morning pee. But I was determined to take a test and prove to myself and my church friend lady that I was not pregnant.

So as it goes with the Dollar Tree tests, I grab a cup, pee in it, use my little dropper on the test and leave it on my bathroom counter. I set a timer and left the bathroom. Well, there was about 1.5 minutes left when I went back in the bathroom. I look down and was SHOOK.

So shook that I forced myself to pee in a new cup (I'd already dumped the pee and tossed the old cup, and I only needed 3 drops from the dropper). This time I'm waiting with the thing and in less than a minute the positive line is bright. I swore I was unlucky enough that the first one was going to be a false positive. But NOPE. NOT TODAY.

My husband is on vacation this week so I run out to our living room and I just say his name and give him a look. After a moment he goes "are you pregnant?" Me: "I'M PREGNANT. OH CRAP." After hugging and tears and a lot more of me saying "oh crap" (the good oh crap) I'm still in total shock that I'm pregnant. I seriously don't feel any of the symptoms I usually get and I'm still just like....WHAT?! REALLY?! I'm so freaking happy (and the hubby is too)!! We just celebrated 8 years together, just over 3 years 4 months married, nearly 2 years since beginning TTC, 2 miscarriages in that time, 9 months of trying since our last one, and now here we are.

Our baby is already so loved! ❀️

Praying for a full term healthy pregnancy with a perfectly healthy baby to bring home and raise up. I'm so thankful to have a wonderful man by my side through all of this and to be a daddy to our sweet babies!!!