False Alarm


October I had went to L&D for experiencing contractions and when vomiting water was gushing out of me, just to be on the safe side I went to make sure everything was okay. I was having contractions, I wasn’t really dismayed and it managed to stop after three days.

Again I had the same experience yesterday, this time it started with me not being able to breathe then excruciating back pain, then the vomiting again and timing contractions that were too far apart for me to go back to L&D they would only give me IV bags and tell me I’m more than likely dehydrated. I knew it wasn’t enough for me to go in so I relaxed, drank a good amount of water, ate some food cause i didn’t want to have him today when Dad just left for his first day of work.

My contractions and a bulldozer rolling over my back lasted until 3 a.m. I was telling everyone how I’m ready to drop him, he can come now, etc etc. Nope my little man was sitting st the top of my stomach looking like “what’s going on? Am I supposed to leave”

He’s picked up my evil sense of humor. He’s that child that’s 35 and won’t leave your house child but wrecks havoc and doesn’t care because he knows you love him.

I am ready for him to leave! The back pain is still here, contractions are not as strong as before, and I just want to lay on my stomach