Baby ASL


Is anyone teaching their baby sign language? If so, what resources are you using and why did you chose to start?

Years ago my family adopted and the kids didn’t speak English and my family didn’t speak their language (amharic) so they were taught sign to bridge the gap. Since then my family has taught sign to all the babies in the family and it was helpful during the toddler years.

I’m teaching my daughter (1yr) and she signs “more” and “all done”. I don’t think she quite gets what all done means, but at least she associates the word with the sign. 😆

It’s been helpful for me also, as I recently interacted with a deaf artist for work and was able to use sign to communicate with him. It felt great being able to connect through his primary language, even if it was only a few sentences and I was limited to what I learned through “baby sign language”. 😂