

Has anyone called into work just because they want some downtime? I have a 7 yo and an 8 yo. My husbands job requires him to travel and work weird hours sometimes. We had a 7 day thanksgiving break for school this year because of a blizzard over the weekend and traffic has been so horrible the last 2 days it has made what is normally a 35 minute commute into almost an hour and a half commute. I was so tired after my OB appointment yesterday that I took a 20 minute nap in my car before I left. I got home and had to go to the store and then come home and do a load of laundry and bathe kids. I am just mentally wiped. I never called in with my previous pregnancies but this one is kicking my ass. I am overwhelmed and anxious because I don’t know how I am going to be able to do all of this with an infant. I am starting to get grouchy and snappy with the other ones and telling them they need to be more responsible with their toys and things because it won’t be good for the baby. I feel defeated I guess.