Aunt Flo


Well a little back story.. TTC with the other half for the last year. No I haven’t tracked or tested for ovulation besides looking at my calendar on Glow. So I should be tracking better but unfortunately just don’t. Anyways these last two months Aunt Flow has shown up a week late and just like any other gal I tested last month when I was late and got a BFN.. Disappointing as it was I just figured obviously it’s just not my time yet again.. Except now again this month I’m a week late.. spotted just a bit yesterday thought alright here she comes tonight put in overnight pad in thinking in the morning I’ll I have my period and wake up nothing.. Now today I have the worst back pain and having to pee all the time.. Now do I wait it out till next week and see if Aunt Flo shows up or get a test and test... I just hate the feeling of disappointment..