First time EBF, need somd encouragement 😩

Jenny💙 • christian. wife. mom. step-mom. 💙

Hello everyone! So I have my daughter 8 years ago and she had some serious reflux issues so we stopped breast feeding her and only fomula fed since she wasnt gaining any weight and was very hungry and fussy all the time. I felt defeated but i was also young and dumb so it also felt more convenient for me to formula feed.

Fast forward 8 years. My son is 5 days old. Weve been EBF and the pediatrician said were doing great. He was born 7lbs 7oz and only lost 7oz in his first 4 days of life. I am only pumping and feeding him because my anxiety has me worried and i want to know exactly how much he gets so I can log it. Since my milk came in ive gone from producing .5oz to 1oz to 1.5 oz and now to 2oz per feeding. Is this a normal rate of increasing supply? I don't want to be giving him less than what he needs.

He isnt refluxy like his sister.

(thank God!)

We are getting pee and poop diapers. Ugh, I guess I just need any advice and encouragment.

Picture of my handsome man because he is perfect.