Tummy Time?





First time mom here 👋

So, my daughter is almost 11 weeks old, and the pediatrician told us to start doing Tummy Time with her.



She hates it! She gets so worked up and puts her face in the floor /: so it only last for a couple minutes. I've only done it with her a couple times so far..


The doctor says Tummy Time is to help their strength and muscles for their neck and arms, which yes makes sense however she's doing amazing with her neck muscles already before I ever even did Tummy Time with her, and I do think it's actually because she lays on my chest a lot and I burp her over my shoulder...



Can Tummy Time be done on your chest, or does it need to be on the floor. She likes it a lot better on my chest and I feel like it's doing the same thing for her as far as development goes.




What do you think? Any suggestions?