Please help me sleep

Sapphire • Full time mum taking everyday as it comes

My daughter is 8 months old. She co-sleeps with me and her father but when I pick her father up from work she sleeps in bed with my nan and then when I get back I take her back and put her in my bed. She can not independently sleep on her own and she doesn’t self sooth well.

Her first tooth has just come through and I think the second one is starting to rumble. She has had a flemmy cough for the last couple of weeks and sometimes she coughs so much it makes her sick.

Well in the night she tosses and turns all night and whenever I try to soothe her she just gets frustrated and starts crying but when my boyfriend and my nan soothe her she goes to sleep. It’s really upsetting for me when my little girl gets so upset when I’m trying to get her too sleep that I have to leave the room because she won’t settle with me but won’t settle with my boyfriend because she clawing her way back to me if she can see me.

She is bottle fed. She has nearly been bottle fed for nearly 2 months. I just need some help. Is there something i could do. I’m moving home this Friday and I was thinking of cot training her but I don’t even know where to start with that.

I just really need some help. Last night she woke up at 3 and was sick over her dad and she refused to go back to sleep she just wanted to play but was rubbing her eyes and yawning.

Has anyone else had a child like this. Is there something I could do?