social media?

so...I am not on Facebook or Instagram. I haven't been for a long time. probably going on 2 years. it's been toxic to my relationship. and just in general, it's been a little toxic in my life. I was addicted to it.

also, I was following these peoples lives (i knew them in high school,) and for what reason? we weren't friends. I didnt need to see their kids grow up, and via versa. So I saved all of my favorite pictures, and deleted my accounts. well, I lost contact with a good friend. She ended up moving away, and it was really hard on me. everyone I let myself get attached to moves or leaves me. so I stopped texting. and so did she.

well, I'm 23 weeks pregnant and i really miss her friendship. so I decided to set up an Instagram, and messaged her. I'll see if she will text me. it's been a long time. and I dont think I'm going to keep the Instagram account. I would like to have a Facebook, just to be able to see news, worldly and locally. also, I miss out on a lot of conversations at work because people talk about things they see on Facebook. (I'm already a very quiet person, and it might give me more to say.) but well see...

thanks for reading my vent.

hope you have a wonderful day. 🙃

and if you have any advice about friendships, or social media accounts, I'd like to hear it.

thank you!