Positive ANA and pregnancy


Has anyone ever tested positive for the antinuclear antibodies and had a successful pregnancy?

I had lots of testing done due to recurrent pregnancy loss and the only thing that really came up positive was the Ana antibodies. And the mthfr gene mutation. Of course 🙄

My doctor now has me taking methylfolate and methylated b12 daily along with baby aspirin and a prenatal vitamin for the mthfr. She also sent me to see a rheumatologist regarding the positive Ana to see if it was linked to any possible autoimmune diseases such as lupus or antiphospholipid syndrome.

Well I had my appointment with the rheumatologist and he ran tons of bloodwork showing that I do not have either of those and said that some ppl just have a positive Ana and it is not really something to be concerned with.

I guess I was just wondering if anyone else on here had any success with pregnancy and having either of these complications? I have to send all of my bloodwork back over to my gyno and am hoping to get the okay to start trying again once she reviews them🤞🏼

But I’m also terrified of trying again bc it’s hard to think that a few vitamins could make all the difference😔