Belly Touching


I’ll start by saying physical touch is not my thing. I’m affectionate with my husband but that’s pretty much it. I’m not a hugger. So needless to say people touching my belly is not on my list of things I love.

My family has been really understanding and same with my co workers. I started my pregnancy by just announcing to the group that it wasn’t something I felt comfortable with and everyone has been respectful of that. (Minus my grandmother but she is 90 and it’s her first great grand kid so I’m just going to give her this one 😂)

What absolutely BAFFLES me are complete strangers that reach out and touch or rub your belly in public out of nowhere!!!! Like grocery shopping a lady just walked up next to me, places her hand on it, and said “is baby kicking”? Like WTF?!? Who are you and why is your hand on my stomach 😳 This has happened a handful of time over the last few weeks as my belly gets bigger and I’m so perplexed.

Rant over.