Husband is into my Sister...

Okay I just need to vent. And I’m posting anonymously because I do know a few people personally on here.

So something’s been off with my husband lately.. like weird off. So being the snoopy wife I am, I looked through his phone last night. I found pictures of my sister half naked that were screenshot and sent to him and him totally sexualizing her. Talking about her looks and other things he would do.

My whole life I’ve felt in competition with my sister, she’s absolutely gorgeous. She has the perfect hourglass figure and I can’t even get my weight above 100 pounds. She’s always been the favorite in the family and I thought I had won when it came to my husband. That I was done “competing” with her. I guess I was wrong.

My sister is my best friend, and I could never get mad at her for something like this. But it’s really hard for me to get around how my husband feels. I’ve been crying all day and looking at myself in the mirror and not feeling good enough.

Its her birthday today, and I have to go see her and act like everything is okay. I see pictures of her all over social media today, and it’s just rubbing salt in my wound.

My sister is absolutely beautiful and I don’t blame her. But please tell me I’m not overreacting? I’m just hurt. And in an awkward position.