Moving out..

boyfriend thinks us living apart and just staying over maybe 3 nights a week will be better to us, to be honest I don’t like this idea, I moved in 8 months ago I’ve been to my moms and stayed there a couple of time since living here because we had a argument we live with his 10 year old brother & he said he needs to spend time with him where he is now his carer and he says that he brothers plays up more and behaves bad when I’m there and that’s annoyed me because his brother is naughty with both of us there and plays up anyways so it’s not my fault.. I feel like I’ve make this place my home and brought things in the home and he just don’t want me here.. because it’s better for us as a couple😐😐 I offered to pay rent but he won’t take it I have to top up electric and gas when his out because he won’t let me ‘man thing’ apparently but that gives him reason to kick me out when he feels like it it’s not fair😒😒😒