My Story


Hey guys!! So feel free to take this down if it’s not allowed, but I just wanted to share my story with y’all so you guys can get to know me more!! Okay. Well I have Arhrogryposis which is a condition that messes with my joints so I can't walk. My jaw is also messed up so I currently can't eat solid food but I'm working on it. I've had surgeries all my life and I'm going to have one on my jaw sometime in the near future. I accepted Jesus when I was 10. But I never really could feel Him. Then when I was 14 my mom got cancer and died. I was completely devastated. And I was so mad at God I decided to turn my back on Him. I was mad partly because my mom died and partly because I was so tired of being in a wheelchair and I was angry at my disability. I was just a wreck. I was always mad, cried all the time. It got to the point where I thought suicide was the only answer and I almost did it. Then one night I couldn't sleep and I had this strong urge to pray. I didn't want to pray I mean I was mad at God. But the urge just got stronger. So finally I prayed and everything came out. All my hurt, anger everything. It wasn't supposed to come out it just happened. After this I thought that God had to hate me. But He told me He didn't. He said that I am loved and special and He has a plan for my life. Ever since I love Jesus more than ever. Sorry this is long!!