Am I Wrong?

I apologize for the length.

So over the weekend, two of my friends were arrested. One for domestic around her kids and the other for smuggling drugs into a jail. Well guess what both of those fools did, caught felony charges. But I have to provide history with them both

Friend A, we gone call her Simone:

We have history since we were young. She moved and came back and we were friends in high school, even went to college together and left together. She got into the most toxic relationship and as a friend, my best advice was if you have to be physical leave. I’ve given her this advice for four years and this time I couldn’t just talk her ass out of jail. Not only she went to jail, she got a felony. Silly part is, she was the abusive one and he only stayed because of the kids but would always cheat on her. One time she threw a knife at him while he was holding the baby. I’ve homed them and slept on my own couch so her and the baby could be comfortable. So she got out her yesterday and was joking and laughing about it ... I’m stopping there.

Friend B, we gone call her Cindy:

I’ve known for almost 13 years. We automatically bonded. We were best friends throughout and she really didn’t cause me hell. She dealt with herself being a whore but that was just her and I accepted her for it. Hell we use to do it together. She never bothered me and like she needed money and did what she figured without thinking. Personally, she accepted what she did and ready to suffer the consequences. She has a child and is mentally & financially preparing for when she has to leave. I love her but my job puts me in a situation where technically I’m not allowed to talk to her but because we in different states, they’ll never know about her .....

Simone has two kids and Cindy has one btw.

Well because the way Simone reacted to getting out of jail with no remorse, I just felt like I had to cut her off. I didn’t think it was funny to have CPS on your back behind a man you could’ve just left. I didn’t think it was funny to be a felon behind him either. So I cut her off and she’s mad about it. She was mad because I didn’t help on her bond or check on her kids. I didn’t put her in there and I knew her kids were in great hands with her mom. It was one of those, keep them negative people out your life thing. She was just one that had to go.

Cindy has been crying since it happened and just pissed off she didn’t think before she did the stupid shit. She didn’t something so fucked up but she acknowledged it. She is ready to take on responsibilty but like I told her, I can only love her from a distance. My job doesn’t allow workers to deal with people under investigation and awaiting trial for shit like that and I’m not risking it. I’m not going to completely cut her off but keep my distance and check on her through her family.

Should I have cut both of them off?