Please help me. Trying to leave my relationship. Don't know how.


Background: I and my bf have been dating for almost 4 years since freshman year of high school. I ended up going to college while he decided it wasn't for him. He still wanted to support me so we moved closer to the University. After about 2 months of experience college on my own, I felt as if I needed my own time in college to find myself, my passion and grow. I'm a full-time student with a part-time job and this upcoming semester I have 17 credits. I decided to try and terminate my relationship because I want to prioritize my education and on top of that, he ended getting a job back in our hometown so he's here half a week before he goes back for work. A couple nights ago I tried to break up with him. I started out slow by saying I wanted to move into my own place and find myself, I explained why and he asked ”what about us” which us when I told him I don't want a relationship cause I need to focus on school. He got upset and started threatening to hurt/kill himself. He said, ”I can't live in a world without you”. He guilt tripped me into staying because I was scared. Not even 10 minutes after all of his threats and me begging him not to, he said ”If you didn't take me back, I would've dropped you off and crashed the car” and he even added, ”If you kept talking while I was driving I was gonna crash the car”. The next day, he apologized for being ”psycho”. Since then I've been distancing myself from him. Idk how to bring it up again or who to tell. He also said he wanted to propose to me on our anniversary which is on Christmas. I don't want to be in this relationship anymore. I don't know what to do at all and I'm really scared. He sent me this text earlier.

If there's any advice on who to talk to or what i can do to slowly de-escalate the relationship I'm all ears. At this point,, I'll take everyone's advice.