Freaking Tf Out

Sooooo.. I lost my virginity like.. 3 weeks ago. 2 days before my period. Then I got AF on its scheduled arrival. We used protection, I’m only 18, ain’t tryna have no babies.

But being my paranoid self, I’m super nervous SOMETHING could have gone wrong.

& sometimes I’ll get these like.. cramps in my back & lower region. Which I read is a sign of early pregnancy, which then makes me freak out even more. (but I also read it could just be from the anxiety & stressing so bad)

I took a test & it read negative.. but then online it said 3 weeks is a better time to test rather than 2 weeks. (It took every ounce of courage in my body to buy that thing)

So can I get some opinions.. or help? 😭😭 I’m freaking out.