Provera and maybe a positive pregnancy test 🤩


So I’ve noticed there aren’t a lot of people posting about this so here’s my story so far...

I’ve always had irregular periods, probably only 2-4 a year.

I had my son with a natural pregnancy, by some miracle, on March 2nd 2016.

Well fast forward 2+ years and the Dr. has prescribed me Provera to jumpstart my period since I hadn’t had one since August and he seemed to think I had symptoms of PCOS.

Day 1- I started Provera and 6 hours later I had light pink spotting only when I wiped. I know your not supposed to bleed until your last pill so I called my Dr. and they said it must just be a coincidence and to keep taking the prescription.

Fast forward through a crazy symptomatic 10 days (Lower back pain, light cramping, very tired, sore breasts-but no more spotting) I thought it was just symptoms of the Provera so I shrugged them off.

Day 10- I figured, why not take a pregnancy test just in case and I couldn’t believe it. A very strong positive. I thought that maybe the medication could cause a false positive but everything I’ve read says no.

My Dr. ordered a HCG blood test today which I had done and Friday. To make sure my levels are going up as they should. I have no idea how far along I am. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t want to get too excited but it’s hard not to. I already told my husband but told him I have to wait for my blood tests to come back.