Birth control or let it happen

So here’s a little back story:

I’m getting married in about 24 days. My fiancé is military and will be overseas from Jan-April and then in April we will be moving into our first home. I have a daughter from a past relationship who is 2. We had decided we would try for another baby in April.

Here’s the issue currently, I got pregnant on birth control with my daughter, and I got pregnant in March of this year while on birth control but ended up miscarrying. I got pregnant with my daughter on the pill(never missed a dose) and we had used a condom and then in March it was on the Nuvaring (used exactly as directed) I haven’t seen my fiancé since March so obviously not having sex isn’t going to happen, but I’m nervous we will get pregnant earlier than we plan too.. I just don’t know if I should just go off birth control and if it happens let it or be on birth control and try to avoid it?