Late share on my daughters birth story 💖


Long post*

I used this app everyday while pregnant , reading birth stories . Now here’s mine 6 months months later !

3 weeks prior to my girl arriving I was in SO much pain and discomfort because she was so incredibly low and out front . Every week I showed up to my gyno appointment she would say “ what you haven’t had her yet!?” I was bouncing on my ball for hours a day , walking as much as I could and let me tell you the walking was soooo painful I thought for sure it would happen every time . Then every morning I would wake up and think 😑 still pregnant.

1 week before I had her I actually started getting very regular contractions and they got closer and closer ... stronger and stronger . This happened for 13 hours and then fizzled out and I was so so upset I felt like she was never going to come . Turns out it was a 13 hour false labor and I felt defeated . So I decided to bounce and walk for the next few days trying to continue what had started but nothing . At this point I gave up I had accepted the fact that I would never have my daughter and I would be pregnant and in pain for the rest of my life 😂

My husband and son were sleeping and it was about 11 PM I sat up in bed to go use the restroom since I had decided I needed to get some rest and we all know you have to pee right before when you’re that pregnant. When I sat up I felt a little gush and thought o no I peed a little ? So I ran into the bathroom and went pee ... when I went to stand up from the toilet I felt another little gush of fluid and I KNEW that wasn’t pee because there was no way , I just went 🤷‍♀️ ... my heart fluttered with so much excitement and I couldn’t decide what to do next . I decided first to shower and get ready lol before waking my husband . Once I showered I got ready and then decided to do the dishes and cleaning up a little since I knew my mother in law would be over the next morning 😂 so funny that I was not panicked at all just taking my time doing whatever haha . Sooo now it was 12:15 and I decided to wake my husband .

I tapped him on the shoulder and said “ Babe it’s time , the baby is really coming this time !” And he sat up wide eyed and said “ It’s time !!?! It’s really happening !?! “ I said yes babe my water broke we are not having another false labor 😂

He flew out of bed and once him and my son were dressed they were running out the door and I’m like wait we gotta pack snacks for you guys and do this and this and my husband was like “Babe!! Get in the car !! “

By this time contractions were really getting noticeable and I figured I had wasted enough time .

We got to the hospital and of course they checked us right in to our awesome birthing room and gave me a large exercise ball to bounce on. My son was so excited it was adorable he couldn’t believe she was finally coming ! 3:30 AM rolls by and my mother in law still hadn’t made it into town and we were getting worried she may not make it in time to be with our son when the real stuff started happening . Finally 4:30 AM and she arrives ! My contractions were regular but not horrible yet so I was still bouncing and talking fine and she stayed and hung out for a bit but At 5:30 we were all exhausted so I told her to take our son home and get a couple hours of rest and we would call if anything changed . Plus I knew the doctor was coming in to check me at 6 and I didn’t want my son there for that .

This is when things changed and fast . The doctor came in and checked me and I was dilated enough to get the epidural! I had made the decision that I would see how long I could make it without one so I declined . Immediately after she checked me and left the contractions were much stronger and I was bleeding quite a bit . It was like a whole new world in just 10 minutes . My husband kept telling me to get the epidural and asking if I wanted him to grab the nurse and I said no I’ll wait . 2 minutes later the nurse came in and could see I was definitely feeling it and asked if I wanted the epidural and again I declined and requested to take a hot bath in hopes that would help soothe me . She ran me a bath and so my husband and I went in and as I was trying to undress to get in the contractions were strong and stopping me in my tracks but in between contractions I managed to get in after scolding my husband once again when he repeated to get the epidural for the 20th time lol. “

As I sat in that bath for about 3 minutes I knew I had made a mistake and I needed that damn epidural like 40 minutes ago 🤦🏼‍♀️I told my husband I have to get out and I need the epidural like NOW ! So we waited for another contraction to hit and pass and I got out as fast as I could and dried off . Then another hit and had me dying over the bathroom sink lol my husband ran and got the nurse and told her I need the epidural. They helped me back in bed and Hell really began I couldn’t sit I couldn’t stand I couldn’t lay down . I literally couldn’t do anything except growl like some sort of animal while I felt like I was dying from the inside ! What felt like a lifetime of this was actually about 30 minutes until my best friend (epidural man) came in . He kept repeating the same questions to me and talking to me and I just kept moaning and growling at him even though I was seriously trying to listen I had no control of the growling during every very close contraction. He started prepping everything behind me and my husband was given a chair to sit right in front of me to hold my hands as I went through contractions and got the epidural . Right before the epidural was inserted another bad contraction began and I was not doing well at all . When it was over I looked at my husband and he was PALE white . I said “ are you ok babe!?” “ No I’m not “ he said . The nurse took one look at him and started saying “ OK dad needs juice !! Lay him down get him a pillow , we need juice for dad !! “ she’s yelling down the hall . So basically I’m having another contraction my husband is laying on the floor about to pass out with a pillow and a juice box 😂😂😂🤦🏼‍♀️no joke . The nurse held my hand and thank god my best friend ... I mean the epidural man got my epidural in and immediately the duration shortened for the next contraction ahhhh sigh of relief. It was still strong but it was shorter ! After that the pain started getting less and less and at that moment I told the doctor I loved him and thank you for saving my life !! My husband started doing better once I wasn’t in so much pain. He doesn’t do well if I’m hurting and he can’t help me lol this isn’t the first time we have had a child . So 8:30 rolls around and we call mom in law back to the hospital and the nurse tells my husband to go grab something to eat real fast or he won’t ever make it through the delivery 😂

As he is gone the nurse puts an odd looking ball thing between my legs and lays me on my side . I began to feel allot of pressure and I told her I’m I think it may be time to push . She’s like ok don’t do anything we don’t want your husband to get back with breakfast and you be holding the baby in your arms ! He finally comes in and the nurse said ok let’s get the doctor in here to check you now that your husband is here . She comes in , checks and says ok well I’m going to step out for just a minute to grab so and so and it is time to push your baby is ready and I can feel her head !

9:21 AM I started pushing and at 9:30 AM my daughter was laying on my chest ! Born May 16th at 7 lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long . When my son came in he even said “ wow mommy, that was really fast!” As he was told in the waiting room when I started pushing and when his sister arrived 💖 It was so incredible, amazing and just perfect . The whole delivery was so calm and relaxed and something I will never forget . Our beautiful babygirl is now over 6 months old and she was the perfect final puzzle piece that we were missing in our family . Thank you for reading :) and when you finally think your baby is never going to come just be prepared because it’s when you least expect it !! I only have one regret of the whole experience and that is not listening to my husband the first time about the epidural and wanting to see how long I could go 😳He was right , I will give him that 😂