Office awkwardness- Please help!

I am in my late 20s and interning at an office where I saw this nice and polite guy. I wouldn’t say he is particularly attractive but I am finding myself to be super into him. I always seem to look around if he is there in the office. He is helpful but very respectful and I always smile widely when I see him and my guess is, I blush when I see him. I am super new at this job and I wouldn’t want to jeopardize anything for something as unprofessional as this. Today as I was packing up to leave, he came into the room and I wanted to laugh,not at him but because he just makes me happy. Mind you, I turn super red. So as soon as I saw him I turned my head quickly finished packing and left the building. I don’t know how to overcome this shyness and I really don’t want to offend him nor make myself the hot topic for the office gossip.