Getting excited, feeling more movements and thinking we just named our baby tonight!!

Kaitlyn • Thea Rosalie, due 4/5/2019!!

So, at my scan 2 weeks ago, we learned I have an anterior placenta. So because of that, I really haven’t felt our baby girl move much. More recently, I’ve been feeling small movements here and there but nothing I could feel from the outside. Last night, my husband had his hand on my stomach and we think we finally felt a little kick for the first time. He was so excited and happy, which made me excited and happy.

Since learning we were having a girl a couple of weeks ago, we’ve begun having the name conversation. I’ve been a little down about it, because it would seem like he wasn’t as engaged in discussing it as I was. Well, tonight we got on the topic and I think we’ve figured out our girl’s name...Thea Rosalie!!

I am so happy! We plan to keep the name under wraps from friends and family, for now, in case we change our mind. But I just had to tell someone, so I came here. 😊