Am i being selfish? (i know it’s long but please read)


So my boyfriend. He worked at this shipyard that payed really well ($24 per hour). While working there he saved up a decent amount of money. He got a 2016 Chevy Silverado from a Chevy dealership while working there. He started to dislike his job there because either you have to wake up and get there really early (3:30/4am) to get ‘okay’ parking or you wake up at the normal time (6/6:30am) and get bad parking and have to walk the parking lot to the front entrance. He also thought his job was too boring because he pumped water out of the decks of the ships and sat on his phone the whole time. So he quit. That pissed me off. He had such a good job but hey, i still supported him. So after he quit that job, he hung out for about a month until our friends dad offered him a job in Louisiana at a carbon black plant (about 5 hours away). I hated the idea, voiced my opinion, but still supported him and his decision. With that job he was gone for 1 week to an entire month at a time. I missed him so much. He told me a job out of state was just a temporary thing until he found something better. Then something happened we didn’t expect. So we went to go shoot this new pistol he got. His sister and i kept telling him we should just go to their house to shoot but he wouldn’t listen (as he never does) and went down this muddy dirt road with a field at the end. So there was this huge water puddle and he went through it with his truck. Not even 10 seconds after we got out of the puddle his truck shut off and wouldn’t turn back on. Turns out he slung two rods and the warranty was voided because he had big ass after market tires and rims. So then he couldn’t go to work. Instead of taking all the money he had and fixing it, he decided he’ll just let them repo it because “it’s easier and he wants a new vehicle anyways. Plus the credit report will go away in about seven years.” Like how. immature. A couple months go by and first, he can’t get a job because he “doesn’t have a vehicle”. His parents said they’ll take him. Then he cant because he “had to help his parents move”. He finally got a job with my sister in laws boyfriend but it was offered to him. He keeps making all of these excuses when everyone tells him to look for one close. The only way he’ll get a job is if someone offers him one. I don’t think he has once put in an application but he complains about not working close to home. And i asked him why he won’t come back and look for a job here and his excuse now is “they really need my help”. I don’t get it. Him being gone isn’t only effecting him. I miss him so much. And so does his family and friends. We had all of these plans to do before and during christmas for the holiday season but he won’t even be back home till christmas <a href="">eve</a> which is a month from now and it’s already been a week. I hate this. Am i being selfish or dramatic?