Anyone had a Delayed D&C? 2 years after miscarriage


So 2 years ago I miscarried. I was aboit 9 or 10 weeks pregnant. We just got a positive test and was planning to go see a doctor. Unfortunately a few days before I was in a car wreck. T boned on my side. And i lost our baby... I miscarried that night. Go to health department and they gave me a pill to help clean out. And said get rest and keep hydrated. Lots of bleeding and clots after.

A coupple of weeks later i bled super heavy about a week. Then about 2 or 3 weeks later again... and then 2 or 3 weeks later again. Then it stopped. A couple of months passed and I bled about a month thrn stopped. This one was very painful.

I started taking ovulation tests right after the 1st bleeding. I literally take them every day every time I go pee. I havent once gotten a positive ovulation strip.

Months passed. And no period. Then ill get one. And months pass again. Then finally a period. I should mention I also have a history of endometriosis and irregular periods but never in my life has it ever been anything like this. I could guarantee that I would get my period ever 72 ish days. Last a week. And then again.

Nothing like this at all.

While talking to a friend on the anniversary date of my miscarriage, she asked me if I ever had a D&C... to which I have not... I've never had one at all. She has a theory that this may be why I dont ovulate. (Ive tried several different brands and never a positive).

So now she wants me to set up an appointment at her local health department and schedule one and see what happens. Im a nervous wreck.

Has anyone ever had a delayed procedure and if youve had one at all did things go back to normal or? What do they do?

And what if the doctor thinks Im nuts for requesting one so late after...?