Douchebag of a boyfriend 🙄

So I need y’all opinion. Me and my boyfriend have been dating for a while and I have trusted him, well today I got home and was scrolling through instagram and instantly noticed he made a new account, with him as his photo and no photos of us or anything that says he’s in a relationship . Then I notice that he is following this girl and she’s following him and I was so confused and then I went to his other insta. TO FIND OUT HE CHANGED THE PIC OF US JUST TO HIM like wtf. So I confronted him and he said it was for his YouTube account which is just sketchy and then I asked him about that chick and etc and apparently they met today, remind you we have each other’s passwords. I couldn’t find this girls account anywhere so I went to his blocked list and what do I find. That girls fucking account, he obviously couldn’t have met her today then. I’m actually so mad rn. I feel like he’s lying so much. He told me he knows I didn’t like girls following him or him accepting requests from them and ect so I’m feeling like he made a whole new account just to add her and. She was the only one he followed on that account and she was the only one who follows him on that account. But let me tell you, after I asked him about that account he instantly made it private. Ladies wtf does this sound like to you 😂 I don’t even know what to make out of this. Is he cheating or not. I’m honestly so pissed