To anal or not to anal?


Iv been with my boyfriend for about 1.5 years now

Totally trust him, no relationship problems things are pretty good!

But last night...

Firstly we have talked about it and I consent totally to him initiating sex while I'm asleep if he's in the mood (I know some girls don't like this and think he could be taking advantage but 100% fine with me and most of the time it leads to great sex) anyway he was just starting to initiate sex and I was kinda sleepy so I was just putting in minimal sleepy effort😂

And it accidentally slips in my arse! It was like minimum to no pain (dispite being an anal virgin) and so I just kind of ignored it and let him continue

After a few minutes I guess he kind of decided he liked it and would try it again putting it in for a few seconds and taking it out if I seemed at all uncomfortable. I just let him while I was semi asleep because I guess I thought ideal time to have a quick go while I was totally relaxed and I was kinda curious too 🤷‍♀️

My problem is the more iv been thinking about it

I'm slightly hurt that he couldn't just tell me this was something he was interested in because he knows I'm always open minded

And I'm not sure if I'm into it or if I'm not I'm totally on the fence

I don't think or feel at all like he has used me or made me feel uncomfortable

I'd love to know what made you ladies decide to give it a go and if it was worth it or if it's totally off the cards for you now ?

and do you think he violated my trust a little by going for it without talking to me first or should I have just stopped him and said we should think about it first?