What Happened

Victoria • SAHM mom to three amazing kids 9 months, 2, 12 been married for 4 months but been with my husband 8 years the motto we live by is live your best life

I was just diagnosed with anxiety and depression last week. We went to Costco to get groceries normally I'm fine but not today. I had a full blown panic attack, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt very claustrophobic like I couldn't get away. My kids and my husband were there and were worried about me. This had never happened to me until now. My husband was so supportive and caring. It took almost 30 minutes for me to calm down. I told my husband that I'm scared what if this happens when I'm by myself with the kids. His amazing response was call me and if I can leave work I will. I just want to be normal. After everything now my depression is acting up and I've been crying. I feel so lost and confused. Anyone else dealing with this.