Is this emotional abuse?

I always want to be good enough for my parents and it puts a lot of stress on me when they yell at me or ridicule me. I know that parents sometimes yell but my mom seems to yell at me and ridicule me all the time. I felt really sick today and told her this, she rolled her eyes and huffed saying that she goes through a lot worse. I told her I was running a fever and she dismissed it and just rolled her eyes. Its Saturday, so it's not like I'm trying to get out of something. I went to finish my chores and grabbed the mop, but I couldn't figure out where the mop pads were. So I asked. She started getting really frustrated. After I asked her a simple question of what the box looked like she harshly said, "if I find this shit as soon as I get in there I'm going to be pissed," (she was like 2 yards away) when she got in the laundry room she couldn't find them and she called my older brother out. When he didn't know where the mop pads were she got even more pissed off and said "you should know? Have you not done your chores in a while?! You should know where they are did you not mop? We got these weeks ago!' she said this very malignantly. I was tired of her treating me like garbage, so I respectfully stood up for my brother and I. I said "actually we just got that mop a week ago," my mom retaliated with 'no we didn't! You were at the beach last week and didn't do your chores," I admitted she was right but I knew we had gotten the new mop the last time we did chores, two weeks ago. So I said "we only got it two weeks ago, and I didn't use it because I used the old mop," she yelled at me and threatened to ground me for "talking back". At this point I became really stressed because I'm a perfectionist and thought I was letting her down. I'm autistic, and when I get stressed, I tend to cry. I knew this would annoy my mom even further and tried to hold back my tears. I let out a sniffle and she heard. She began to yell at me. "Really? You're crying? You cry all the time anymore! It's fucking annoying! Go to your room if you are going to be a little baby wimp!" This caused me to actually start crying I ran to my room and started sobbing. For the first time in a long time, I felt like self harming (I didn't). Anyways, a few minutes later she called me back out and said that me crying was equivalent to a toddler having a tantrum and that it was disrespectful, which she knows wasn't what I was doing and that I was talking back and not following her orders, again, not what I was trying to convey. To be fair, she did say that she has a headache and that she didn't sleep much last night. However, she's been acting this way for a while and acts like this when she has a full night's sleep and when she doesn't have a headache, and it makes me feel like shit.

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