Hsg test


After consecutive miscarriages I’m having an HSG in a few days to see if everything is normal in and around my uterus. I’m anxious AF for the results. What we’re some of your experiences and results with HSG ??

HSG for those that don’t know is short for HYSTEROSALPINGOGRAM . A dye contrast is injected through your cervix into your uterus and Fallopian tubes so that it can be seen on a screen. This test can tell you if your tubes are open and normal, if your uterus is the right size/shape and whether you have scar tissue or fibroids or endometriosis....They say it’s also like a flush for your tubes and if there were any MINOR blockages and if the contrast used is oil based they say it can increase a woman’s fertility up until like 3 months after 👍🏽 def a perk

My prob isn’t getting pregnant though it’s STAYING pregnant :-/ I hope if anything is wrong that it’s fixable with surgery.