Laws surrounding health at work?


So I’ve recently started trying to get a new routine in my life by eating better and exercising etc. Something my trainer told me was that sleep is so important for this because if you don’t get enough sleep your body craves sugar and you end up eating rubbish. There are also health benefits to sleep in regards to mental health. I suffer from anxiety and depression but since I’ve changed my lifestyle, I’ve been able to manage it better. However, if I don’t get enough sleep I go into an episode. It’s never as bad as it used to be but it’s not great either.

So to my point of this topic...last night I worked a 8pm-5am shift and I have to work today at 2pm, which is right now. Yesterday I was lucky that I got a chance to sleep during the day but that’s not always the case and especially not the case for everyone doing that shift as we live our lives during the day and have shit to do. There are times where I’ll only get a few hours sleep.

I also know there are loads of jobs out there that require late shifts due to international business etc. While I understand the importance of these shifts from a business standpoint, I feel it’s really not beneficial for the health of employees. Especially those who do suffer from mental health issues. I cannot stress how sleep effects mental health in sooo many ways.

So my question is, should there be laws surrounding when employees can be asked to work and how late businesses can operate? I know people are going to comment saying that it’s not realistic, but if you think about it, everything is becoming way too competitive and I feel the health of people at the bottom are suffering for it.