Resting heart rate determines o day?!


Hello! Just thought I would share something I stumbled upon. I know many people have used resting heart rate in ovulation and early signs of pregnancy but thought I would share some cool insight. I recently got an apple iwatch which tracks resting heart rate. On Wednesday I got a positive OPK, and continued to get positive OPKs until Saturday when I eventually just stopped testing. I was frustrated because I didn’t know when I ovulated because I don’t temp. I didn’t know if because of the positive opks that I hadn’t even ovulated yet and husband and I officially had run out of steam. Well anyways... I went back and was looking at resting heart rate and sure enough every day it was in the high 50s but sure enough on Thursday it was 65! Then it dropped right back down on Friday. So I’m fairly confident that Thursday was my O day and can count dpo going forward. Just stumbled upon this with my new watch and thought I would share Incase anyone else has one and wants to use it to help pinpoint ovulation!