Why is it so difficult to be a woman?

I have no where else I can vent and I have no one I am able to vent to. I just need to bitch for a moment.

I am a full time student, 29 years old, medically retired army veteran and physically disabled. I have adhd which triggers my anxiety and depression. I commute one hour one way to my university and one way on my way back home.

It’s the end of the semester and I have tons of projects that are group assignments which no one seems to communicate in. This stresses me out, not to mention the exams that I have to study for. This is all very challenging with adhd even with my medication.

I am also married and have an 11 year old daughter 50/50 custody. (My husband’s daughter. We get along great but kids are not easy even as a step parent)

My husband works for the city government, it’s a mentally demanding job for him but he loves what he does.

Recently (this week) he has been working ten hour shifts at work but only worked a few hours on Friday, he also didn’t go back into work until Tuesday after our vacation. He came home and played video games all day. (Which is absolutely fine since he had a long week.) I just wish he took the dogs out at least once.

I have a bad knee due to a surgery gone wrong thanks to the army. We live in an apartment complex on the second floor. We don’t have an elevator. During cold weathers my knee gives me a difficult time. I take the dogs out 90% of the time. When we have our daughter she takes them out. I will ask my husband to take them out and he will..unless he isn’t wearing pants.. then his excuse is “but you’re all dressed and have clothes on.”

So I end up taking them out with my bad knee.

Although I don’t work, I still get paid by the VA for going to school and I also get paid my disability check so he really can’t pull the “I bring home the money.”

I do the laundry, I clean the house, I walk the dogs, I do the grocery shopping, I cook dinner, I do the dishes, I set up doctors or dental appointment, I manage the finances, I drive two hours to and back from class, I have assignments and exams to study for, I do all this on top of having adhd and being handicap. I have no time for self care and I just need a good cry.

Yet..my husband says he is not happy right now because we haven’t been “out in a while” we went to California for thanksgiving and we stayed out late (3AM) a few nights. We have been back home since last Saturday.. I don’t know what to do. I can’t go out and “party” like he wants to because I have a lot of assignments and exams to be studying for. I do everything else as a wife and everyone is responsible for their own happiness but I cant help but feel as if that his unhappiness is my problem that I need to fix.

I am a fixer.. so when he says he is bored, or unhappy I try to find things for us to do and am willing to sacrifice my sleep to do homework during the night if it means he will be in a better mood. But when I suggest things to do he rejects them, thus making myself feel inadequate.

I’m on the verge of a severe mental breakdown.