Well it's been a rough week...


Wednesday, I had my first doctors appointment and ultrasound. I was very excited as we had been trying for a second child and I am 37 years old so we thought this was it and we planned to be done after that. I had what seemed an irrational fear of there being something wrong but had no reason to actually believe that there was any problem. My husband couldn't get out of work so I went alone. During the ultrasound, the technician touched me lightly on the arm and said oh honey I'm so sorry but theres no heartbeat. I should have been 8 weeks 5 days but the baby was measuring 7 weeks 5 days and the heart had already stopped. I had to go home and take these 4 pills to help move things along and within an hour of taking them, the pain in my stomach was almost unbearable and the bleeding began and hasn't stopped yet. It's been so hard to deal with but we are going to try again. My doctor even said we should be able to conceive more easily now that my body is ready. I go back Wednesday again to make sure everything has cleaned itself out without any further procedure needed. I can't handle much more right now. I guess thats why they say not to tell people til after the first trimester. This is my first miscarriage and I guess noone expects it but I was not prepared for news like that. Sorry for such a long, sad post but I needed to get it out. Maybe some of you that have experienced this can give me some hope and encouragement. Thanks for reading.