Fake people

Desni • ~Lord Have Mercy~

I’m tired of fake people in my life. I obviously understand that there are fake people out there. But these people are supposed to be my friends, and all they do is use me. Like I’ve done a lot for these people and I’m kinda tired of them. 🤷🏻‍♀️ they’re assholes and I’m really not enjoying my time with them anymore, but we’ve been through so much, but I’m tired of the using and abusing. I pray for them all the time, and I hope one day they see that they aren’t being kind but I know they won’t because they’re blinded by their own temptations and they’re just mean to me sometimes like I’m tired of it. Right now the lord is with them and it’s out of my hands, I pray to God they see their own wrong doings. But it takes awhile for them to even notice if they’re even being true Christians, who must love and be kind to one an other. 🙄😒