Worst and best 7 weeks of my life!


Well I’m finally ready to post my birth story! My baby girl was born on the 12 October 2018 the day after my birthday.

I was taken in to be induced on the 9th as they told me my girl had stopped growing at 32 weeks and to expect a tiny baby. They kept me waiting all week untill the 11th when they came to me and said let’s have a baby I was shocked and excited and ready to meet her. They started the drip and omg! Did it start it was alful!! Finally my baby girl was born at 3.42am. We had all the nicu staff in as they thought she would be very small and have breathing problems well there was nothing at all wrong with her in fact she wasn’t small she 7lb 10oz!!! So the scan was completely wrong!!!. I returned home with her and her dad and that’s wen my problems started! At 4 days old I woke up to him banging around the house in a mood, asked him wot the problem is to witch I got give me my baby! I’m taking her!. I refused to hand her over and with that I got a punch to the face while she was in my arms!. He left after me saying I will phone the police but every day since iv had nothing but abuse! Iv been called every name under the sun, been told what a bad mother I am how I carnt cope 3 children ( first 2 arnt his) and do this day I still don’t no what happened or caused his behaviour? This violence came from no where? He has never been like this with me never layed a finger on me. Yes he was a bit controlling but never violent. I have since found out that my whole relationship has been a lie he’s not told me the truth about anything! I feel like I have gone out and had a one night stand and got pregnant.

So this has been the most stressful and upsetting 7 weeks of my life but I wudnt change a single second with my baby girl! I love her so much but I jus feel so sorry for her ❤️