Remembering. . .


I'm going through photos and organizing them into albums. I got to mom's box from when we made collages for her funeral. This one hit me pretty hard

It's one of the last ones we got together before she lost her ability to stand due to the cancer. She always kept smiling no matter how bad it got. It makes me happy and sad to see this picture. It's upsetting to remember how sick she looked even early on. But it brings some happy tears to my eyes to have a memory like this. A memory of smiling and still being able to hold her. She will forever be in my heart and influence the kind of person I am and want to become. I miss her so much still even after almost 2 years. But at least she's not in pain anymore.

Always remember the ones who shaped you. And keep the memories close in your heart.

Feel free to share about the ones you lost and how they helped you become the person you are today. I would love to read some inspiring stories. ❤