Do i have a chance?


Kinda TMI 😅😅🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Okay so i’m not asking if i’m pregnant because it is WAY too early to tell lmao, but so on Nov. 29, i had like VERY minor period symptoms (mainly just very light cramping once in awhile). Well that night we had sex and he came in me. The next day i still had very minor cramping, but the day after that (the 1st) and since then i have yet to have any period symptoms.

Now i know it’s very unlikely to get pregnant before your period, and i’m not really expecting to be pregnant (i want to be but not expecting to be [don’t want to get my hopes up lmao]), but i’m wondering if there’s still a chance hopefully?😂

Also, my husband and i are 99% sure that he is really fertile lmao. (And yes i know it depends on how fertile both of us are)