Baby fever so bad need to get it out

Tasha • Pregnant with baby Wilson cant wait to know more about this baby 😊😊

A lot of people tell me I'm too young to have a baby and I need to wait until I'm older so I can be more prepared. I don't know how much more prepared I can get guys. I have a bunch of stuff. All I need is diapers and a carseat for the necessities then the small things for accessories but if I had a baby tomorrow I'd be fine. No I don't just want a baby because everyone else around me is having one including my sister now 😊 I want one because I want to feel and show love to someone that was created inside me. I want to get that plus sign or 2 pink lines and feel that joy and excitement yet anxiety and nervousness. I want to go to my first appointment and see that little bean on the screen and hear the heartbeat for the first time with tears in my eyes as I realize it's finally happening to me. I want to see my family's reaction to an announcement of another baby joining the family. I want to see my baby grow and feel it. I want to see my belly get so big I can't see or touch my toes anymore. I want to feel the mini me rolling around punching and kicking away. I want to go through a gender reveal as I find out if im having a son or daughter. The aches and pains and frustrations along with the mood swings. The Braxton Hicks and heart burn with the painful breasts and weight on me. I want to pick out names and outfits with the family. I want to have a reason to go to the baby aisle and buy things. I want the labor pains and feeling like I'm going to die from the pain. I want to hold the little one that just grew inside me for 9 months in my arms as I hear it cry. I want the long lasting postpartum recovery and sleepless night. The poop explosions and pee leaks. The crying baby because she's uncomfortable or needs mommy. I want to breastfeed and bond with it. I want to be able to teach a child, my child, how the real world works and all they'll need to know. Give them siblings and watch them grow. Watch them become best friends with cousins and loving their aunts and uncles. Seeing all the people stare and judge as I proudly walk around the store with a baby in a wrap or in a carseat. I don't want a baby just to have one. I want one because I want to be a mother. I want a child to protect when they're scared. I want a child that will cuddle up with me late at night because they're sick or cold or just want to cuddle. I want a child so I can watch them enjoy animals in their life and take them to fun places around the world. I want to watch their reaction as I walk them through the zoo and they see a bear for the first time. Or when we go to the beach and they feel the water on their feet unsure of what to think about it. All the family trips I can take with them. I want a baby to know what true love at first sight is. I want a baby through everything. Puking, pooping, peeing, sickness, hunger, cuddles, the cold, the hot, summer time, fall, winter, spring. I want one and I can't wait to have one. Sorry this is so long I needed to get it out thank you if you read it all the way down here. Baby dust to everyone!