Constant vaginal pain

Tiffani • Mother of 2 Princesses 👑👑

I'm 31 weeks and 5 days pregnant & for the past 2 weeks I've been having this constant aching pain in my vagina. When I sit, walk, turn over in bed, anything. I have an aching pain in my butt too. I don't think it's contractions, because it's a constant pain. It's very uncomfortable and idk what it means. Anyone else having this?

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Posted at
Baby is pressing on a nerve. Is he/she head down?


Freya • Dec 5, 2018
I’m having the same problem. I’m 31+2.


Tiffani • Dec 5, 2018


Posted at
Yep baby may be on your sciatic nerve. Hopefully they wriggle over at some point to give you some relief. I get it on and off for a few days, I’m 29+5


Tiffani • Dec 6, 2018
🙄 thank you lol


Lexi • Dec 6, 2018
Yes it can, or even pain down the front of your groin in to your thighs. Depends on where baby is sitting.


Tiffani • Dec 5, 2018
I thought that would just effect my back, but it would cause vaginal pain too?


Posted at
I get it every day I'm 27 weeks and have pain in my private area and bikini line too but today I had it in my private area and stomach its crazy