Cramping at 26 weeks


Had an appt yesterday and was fine, later in the afternoon I started cramping all the way around my lower abdomen and lower back.

I laid down, stopped cleaning the house, have my kids a bath, got them to bed and I went to bed. I woke up 2 times last night still feeling the cramps.

They felt like contractions, hurt, but my lo was still moving so I didnt go to the hospital.

I can also feel a stretching pain in my cervix (it hurts too, like passing a clot while on my period)

My next appt isnt until the 20th and they're wanting to put me on the monitor then, they're also setting up another appt for me to get the steroid shots.

I took a magnesium oxide pill yesterday in hopes that it would stop the cramping but it didnt. Is there something else i could try? I'll be 26 weeks tomorrow. If I'm still cramping when I get done baby sitting today I plan on calling my ob to see if they want me to come in or not.

The pain from the cramping is also making me nauseated. Should tylenol stop the pain since its not true contractions?

I've had preterm labor with 2 of my 3 kids but they were able to stop it the first time and I made it to 37 weeks, my 2nd one came at 35 weeks though with multiple preterm labor scares.