Frustrated...feeling unwanted

Can I just vent a minute please. I have nobody else to talk to about this. Sorry in advance for the long post!

Husband and I have been together 10 years, married for 3. We have a beautiful 2 year old little girl and have been trying for #2. Problem is, I am so tired of being the only one to ever initiate sex. Seriously he hasn't initiated in a couple months. Every time I try talking to him about it he tirns it around on me and that I should initiate more...HELLO...I DO!! He can never take responsibility for him being the problem. Yesterday, we literally talked about how we need to have more sex, he gets excited and says oh I'm definitely ok with that. I said so act like it more often then. And we literally talked about how we were going to BD last night and tonight. I was supposed to ovulate last night or today. He says ok sounds good. So, I go get the little one to bed thinking things are going to happen when I get back to our room. Get her to sleep and come back to our room and his dumb ass is asleep🙄 I'm so over this feeling of not being enough. And no I honestly do not think he is cheating, he definitely has a lower sex drive. He has our entire relationship. He can seriously go a couple months for more without sex. He won't go get his levels checked wither. I'm seriously at a loss!