TTC since 2016


I understand it will happen any time soon 😐 after 4 years of TTC and every month a negative test Would always show up, and paid for fertility treatments and still unexplained infertility when doctors say you both are strongly healthy and young, I still have faith and my hopes up, thank god I don’t get depressed or overwhelming like at the beginning of planning for a baby, now I learned to be patience and I overcome lots more, it hurts me when people say just relax don’t stress do something to keep you busy

do this dont do that🤷🏻‍♀️ etc... but you are not in my shoes or feel what I feel

But I’m praying for a healthy 9 month baby 🙏🏻

I should start my period on December 12

But also my birthday is December 15 crossing fingers this will be my month my blessing gift