Baby is Here!

Charity • Angel Baby 10/16/14 👼🏻 Rainbow Baby Girl 2/25/16 👶🏻🎀 Angel Baby #2 8/2/17 👼🏻 Rainbow Baby Girl #2 12/6/18 👶🏻🎀 Peanut growing due 11/2/2021 🥜

Scheduled to be induced at our 40 week mark tomorrow, but baby girl decided to come on her own today! It was a whirlwind but amazing experience!

Woke up to an intense contraction at 3:38am. Water broke right after. Contractions started immediately after, 2 mins apart and PAINFUL! Got to the hospital a little over an hour later. 6 cm dilated and the contractions we

re on top of each other. They immediately called my Dr and got everything set up. I knew things were happening fast when they brought out the warmer right away. 20 mins later I started getting the urge to push so they checked me again and I was 8.5. Dr got there a little bit later and told me I was free to push whenever I felt led to. Pushed 3 or 4 times and she was out. It was crazy. All natural, not 1 tear. From that first contraction to born in 2 hours and 13 minutes. 😬