How far along were you when you got your BFP?


I confirmed ovulation on November 16th/17th with OPK strips. I had Iight bleeding the 29th-30th and spotting December 1st-2nd. On 11/29 I had almost unbearable cramping. Different than menstrual cramps though. They were lower and were only on the right side. I also had pain in my right hip/groin and lower back. The bleeding started about 3-4 days before AF was supposed to arrive. I normally have short/light periods on birth control but this was shorter and lighter. I was worried so I made an app with my dr and saw her yesterday. Tests have been negative but I only test with FRER before the bleeding started. My doctor basically said she doesn’t know what was going on and to try another at home test in another week. I’m currently 19 DPO. She said several times that it was still too early to get a positive. Has anyone experienced any of this?! Is there any chance I could still get a BFP?

One of the main reasons I’m hesitant and don’t want to get my hopes up, is because we’ve only be TTC for 3 cycles and I’ve only been off birth control for about 3 months. I don’t know what my body is doing & we just want a baby 😩

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