Long, but I need help! Do I have a right to be upset?

As a sahm, I have two children 5, 1 and am pregnant with the third. My SO wanted me to homeschool our 5yo, I fought the idea but I was working at a preschool and I could see that our son needed some extra attention that he just cant get at a public school. So I agreed and began homeschooling and setting up little things for the baby to do. Shortly after he began to get very stressed about money (not that I was making much when I was working due to child care costs). He wanted me to start bringing in money again, so I got a few kids that I began baby sitting to bring in extra. It was great for a while but now they are not coming as often due to parents hours getting cut and new positions at daycares.

Yesterday he came to me and said "I want us to start making 5k a piece every month "

I laughed it off and said well thats easy for you, you already make 5k month! He then looked at me in a judging way and said "...yeah I know..that leaves you.."

I'm at such a loss! Idk what to do anymore! I dont have a degree and no where that pays 5k a month will hire me. He begged me to be a stay at home mom and now this?! He judges me for how tired I am (pregnant and have chronic anemia), for how I feed the kids, for the way I keep the house, for what I chose to do in my spare time (take a bath every night) nothing I do is good enough! Mean while he works 8 hours a night and that's it. Doesnt play with the kids, help feed them, nothing around the house, not even spending time with me or our baby. He works and video games. He yells if the kids are playing to loud because that must mean im not watching them.

Do I have a right to be upset?! I feel like I'm doing the best I can..is there anything i can do or say to help him understand that I'm stressed? That I'm trying just as hard as he is? He can't seem to understand..I am so ashamed and feel like nothing I do will ever be enough