
Jess • Been with the love of my love for almost 8 years, married 17/08/19 baby boy 💙 👶 05/10/2019 baby boy 💙👶 April 2022 baby girl 🩷🧒 March 2024

I can’t find the words to say I had a miscarriage after being in limbo all week the doctors finally gave me the answer I didnt want to hear but I had a feeling was your baby has passed I was 8 1/2 weeks. It’s incomplete so I need to see my doctor on Sunday to go over options to remove the baby. After 1 year & 4 months of trying, a PCOS diagnosis, a doctor lying to me, being put on medications I didn’t need, we finally conceived in October naturally, we finally thought yes something finally has gone right for us, the perfect Christmas present. We were finally being blessed. Now I’m grieving I didn’t realise how much love I already had for this baby. We only told our families & close friends now comes the hard part telling them as well. This was my first time being pregnant I’ve never had a miscarriage I don’t know what I’m in for, I’m just going to take it one day at a time & pray god gets me through this. If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated


my body has started the process on its own, I have never had so much pain before the cramps are so painful. My partner feels so helpless his like I wish I could do something I tell hold me that’s all I need. I cry & let out I need to feel it that’s how I grieve. All I need is him to hold me it helps, I will keep telling him it’s enough