Foremilk vs Hindmilk... is this why my baby eats less?


Hey there! I want to share a worry of mine I've been having and maybe someone out here can put that to ease.

I exclusively pump due to latching issues, and well I can see how much milk my almost 3 month old gets. She gets maybe 23 to 25oz a day.. but I struggle getting her to drink to that. If I go based on her wants, she would get 21 to 24 oz. My pediatrician said she should get 28oz, no less than 24oz. So I have been worrying cause my LO doesn't seem to want to eat often during the day and doesn't eat much. But at night, she scarfs it down. She's gaining weight healthily but I worry cause she doesn't get 28oz a day. Rarely she reaches that and I feel like I have to force her to drink a lot but she doesn't act hungry. I know its bad to force feed.

Well this picture is a bottle of what I pumped during one session and I noticed I have way more hindmilk than foremilk. There's about half an ounce of foremilk to 4 and a half ounces of hindmilk. Is it because she fills so much on hindmilk, she may not need as much? If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear it!